mardi 13 octobre 2009

A Shockingly Simple Way to Stop a Dog's Barking

How tired of you hearing your canine bark? Do you just wish they would shut their big trap sometimes? You know the feeling. When the door rings...BARK! When a visitor passes by BARK! BARK! After a while it becomes pretty excessive and eventually there must be some action taken. So what do you do to keep your family friend quiet while not having a heart attack in the process?

First, we will implement Phase 1. Phase 1 is a little trick that will train the dog to understand that he is being annoying. You are going to shush the dog. Whenever your pet starts barking uncontrollably gently turn his head toward you and shush him with a loud hiss. Every time your dog barks shush them. When they calm down give them a treat to let them know that quietness bestows awards. Most dogs tend to quiet down within about 2 weeks of this method, and it is the simplest way to train them without buying one of those expensive barking collars.

So what if your pet is still barking uncontrollably and he refuses to obey? Time to initialize Phase 2. A famous Japanese dog trainer came up with the idea of vinegar and water. What you will do is grab a spray bottle and pour about a half cup of each ingredient. When your dog starts to bark and will not stop spray 1 or 2 squirts at its lips. Dogs hate the smell of vinegar and it will cause them to back off on the barking. You will only have to continue this treatment for a few nights before your pet gets the point.

Implement Phase 1 and if you must Phase 2 and you will be free from that annoying bark in no time. Always remember that your pet must be rewarded when they quiet down. Positive reinforcement helps pets to learn quickly and they will be more willing to obey your commands.

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