mardi 13 octobre 2009

How Dogs Read Our Body Language

Body language can say so much about how we feel and most pet dogs are very good at reading our body language, even though it is a lot different to their own. They immediately know when we are happy or sad, excited or cross. Strangely, most dog owners report that they only need to think about taking their dog for a walk and they will respond immediately. They are equally as quick to respond to less fun thing such as when we go out and have to leave them.

When training, your dog may actually find it easier to respond to hand signals and your body language rather then listen to words that we use. Are we more consistent with the hand signals or are they easier for the dog to learn.

Dogs spend a awful lot of time watching us and thus they learn to respond to us and can understand what we do. Maybe it is easier for them to do this. After all, they do not have many things to think about - or worry about - as we do. But, as we are supposedly the more intelligent half of the partnership that exists between our dogs and us, it is important for us to learn just as much from them.

Instead of repeatedly trying to tell our dogs what to do, we should simply watch them and by doing so, learn so much from them. Instead and talking we should listen and instead of demanding we should be watching. This way we can begin to allow our dogs to teach us how to understand them.

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