mardi 13 octobre 2009

Treating Bladder Stones in Dogs Quickly and Effectively

Treating bladder stones in dogs quickly is essential because in addition to being extremely painful, bladder crystals can lead to other more serious complications. In this article, you'll learn what to do about this painful problem and how to prevent your dog from ever having to suffer from them again.

When you take your pet to a vet to treat bladder stones in dogs, antibiotics will most likely be prescribed, but this is not a good course of action because antibiotics are drugs and all drugs have side effects. Some of these side effects can prolong pain and suffering and actually make your dog worse. Also, since antibiotics do not heal the source of the problem, but only relieve the symptoms (in the hope that the body will heal itself), they can also set the stage for recurring issues.

Obviously, you want to get your dog out of pain as quickly as possible, so what should you do instead? There are three simple steps that you can take that are healthy ways of treating bladder stones in dogs without side effects or complications. First, make sure your dog always has a big bowl of fresh clean water. Filtered water is best because it eliminates the chemicals in tap water. In fact, a tap filter will work fine. Water will keep your dog hydrated and flush toxins from the bladder and kidneys.

Second, feed your dog healthy kibble. Many pet owners aren't aware that commercial brands contain chemicals, additives, and cheap grains that upset the delicate pH balance in the bladder. When the pH balance is out of the normal range, bladder crystals form and bacteria proliferate. Feeding your dog a healthy, organic kibble made from real meat, healthy oils, whole grains and vegetables will help your dog's pH level return to normal.

Most importantly, give your dog a supplement to dissolve bladder crystals quickly without side effects. It pays to do your research here because not all supplements are created equal. Look for one that contains proven herbs like Uva Ursi, Staphysagris and Cantharis. These herbs taken together in a quality formulation are the best, safest and most effective means of treating bladder stones in dogs and dissolving them completely. In addition to restoring the pH, they will also soothe and heal inflamed tissues, quickly reducing pain and swelling. Although they are highly effective, they are gentle enough to use every day for dogs that tend to have bladder-related issues or for older dogs.

In addition to the steps outlined above to quickly treat bladder stones in dogs, make sure your dog gets regular exercise and plenty of love and affection. Taking these simple, practical steps will dissolve bladder crystals fast, boost your dog's immunity and ensure that your dog has a long, happy, disease-free life.

How Well Does Your Puppy Meet Other Dogs?

It is very important that your puppy meets other dogs and they can be their own age, older or even younger. Your puppy needs to have a wide range of experiences with different types and breeds of dog. Young or old, large or small, your puppy will benefit from contact with other dogs. When he meets another dog it must be pleasant and enjoyable for him so he can gain confidence. Therefore you should be selective in whom he meets else an unpleasant experience will knock his confidence.

It is best to introduce your pup by choosing calm friendly dogs that are not over-boisterous. When your puppy is comfortable and confident then progress to a wider range of dogs. Your dog should meet good natured dogs of all shapes and sizes.

However, try not to be too over-protective and as your puppy learns more about other dogs. It is good for him to learn that other dogs may ignore him and some will tell him to 'go away' with a low growl or glare. As long as the dog is well behaved a good tempered he should not harm you puppy but will be teaching him an important lesson in dog manners.

It is good for your puppy to mix with other animals too. People keep all kinds of other animals such as birds, rabbits and cats. You will expect a slightly different behavior from him. For example, you don't want him to approach a horse to play or make friends. He needs to know they exist, but that you are more important. Make sure you are a distance where your puppy will be safe and will not get over-excited and can still hear you.

How Dogs Read Our Body Language

Body language can say so much about how we feel and most pet dogs are very good at reading our body language, even though it is a lot different to their own. They immediately know when we are happy or sad, excited or cross. Strangely, most dog owners report that they only need to think about taking their dog for a walk and they will respond immediately. They are equally as quick to respond to less fun thing such as when we go out and have to leave them.

When training, your dog may actually find it easier to respond to hand signals and your body language rather then listen to words that we use. Are we more consistent with the hand signals or are they easier for the dog to learn.

Dogs spend a awful lot of time watching us and thus they learn to respond to us and can understand what we do. Maybe it is easier for them to do this. After all, they do not have many things to think about - or worry about - as we do. But, as we are supposedly the more intelligent half of the partnership that exists between our dogs and us, it is important for us to learn just as much from them.

Instead of repeatedly trying to tell our dogs what to do, we should simply watch them and by doing so, learn so much from them. Instead and talking we should listen and instead of demanding we should be watching. This way we can begin to allow our dogs to teach us how to understand them.

Your Dog's Body Language - All You Need to Know

When looking at your dog's body language, it is important to understand that similar signals can have different meanings, even when used by the same dog.

Breed and individual differences

Be aware of what is normal for a breed or individual dog. For example, terrier is likely to carry his tail high when relaxed, whereas most whippets will have a lower tail carriage. A cocker spaniel cannot signal with his ears like a German Shepherd Dog and an individual dog may have a tendency to put his hackles up as soon as he is aroused. This may be because of excitement or aggression.

Look at your dog

Watch your own dog and dogs in general and learn from them. They can teach you more than any book.

Overall picture

Always look at the overall picture, rather than concentrating on one aspect. Compare human behaviour a smile can mean friendliness or anticipation, embarrassment or lack of interest. Therefore, it is important to see the whole picture in context.

Body shape

As a general rule, a relaxed dog will look like one. A dog who is threatening or intimidating will attempt to look larger and will stand more upright, with his head and tail up. Hackles may be raised. A frightened dog will attempt to look smaller, by cowering, head and tail down, crouching.


A relaxed dog will have his ears in a neutral position. An alert dog will prick his ears or move them in order to detect every sound. A frightened dog will put his ears back. A very unhappy dog will pin his ears back so that they are flat to his head.


Eye contact is very important. It can be friendly or unfriendly, a challenge or a sign of aggression, or a loving way of communicating. A frightened dog may feel the need to stare at the object of his fear, whereas a submissive dog is likely to look away. A dog who is challenging will probably stare directly whereas an apprehensive dog may give a glare, followed by a growl if the threat continues.

A happy, relaxed dog will stare in a friendly way. A dog who is attempting to get attention from people can stare for a long time until they take notice of him. Direct eye contact tends to show that the dog is concentrating on a particular object, person or dog.

Lips And Mouth

Again a happy dog will be relaxed around his mouth whereas a tense dog will tense his lips. After a growl, may dogs will pull back their lips in a snarl, showing their teeth.


A tail is extremely important to a dog and also for the owner as it is an excellent indictor of what kind of mood the dog is in and how he needs to be treated. The higher the tail the more aroused the dog is. A relaxed dog will hold his tail in a neutral position and an anxious dog will lower his tail.

A Shockingly Simple Way to Stop a Dog's Barking

How tired of you hearing your canine bark? Do you just wish they would shut their big trap sometimes? You know the feeling. When the door rings...BARK! When a visitor passes by BARK! BARK! After a while it becomes pretty excessive and eventually there must be some action taken. So what do you do to keep your family friend quiet while not having a heart attack in the process?

First, we will implement Phase 1. Phase 1 is a little trick that will train the dog to understand that he is being annoying. You are going to shush the dog. Whenever your pet starts barking uncontrollably gently turn his head toward you and shush him with a loud hiss. Every time your dog barks shush them. When they calm down give them a treat to let them know that quietness bestows awards. Most dogs tend to quiet down within about 2 weeks of this method, and it is the simplest way to train them without buying one of those expensive barking collars.

So what if your pet is still barking uncontrollably and he refuses to obey? Time to initialize Phase 2. A famous Japanese dog trainer came up with the idea of vinegar and water. What you will do is grab a spray bottle and pour about a half cup of each ingredient. When your dog starts to bark and will not stop spray 1 or 2 squirts at its lips. Dogs hate the smell of vinegar and it will cause them to back off on the barking. You will only have to continue this treatment for a few nights before your pet gets the point.

Implement Phase 1 and if you must Phase 2 and you will be free from that annoying bark in no time. Always remember that your pet must be rewarded when they quiet down. Positive reinforcement helps pets to learn quickly and they will be more willing to obey your commands.

Clicker Training Dogs - Dog Psychology For the Most Mischievous of Dogs

Looking for new ways to train your dog? Heard about clicker training dogs and curious about what it is? And what exactly is a clicker?

A clicker is a basically a tool used by dog owners to help train their dogs. It looks like a small box with a metal strip on it that makes a "clicking" noise when pushed down. Clicker training basically applies the age-old reward-and-punishment concept, albeit making it a tad easier by eventually teaching your dog to respond to the clicking noises and not the treats.

Not quite sure you get it? Okay, let's paint a picture. Imagine that you are trying to teach your dog to stay. You let it follow you around a bit and then you turn around, put your hand up and say "stay" firmly while pressing the clicker. The dog wags his tail and keeps in stride when you start walking. You turn around once again, do the same hand signal, say "stay" while pressing the clicker and (gently!) force your dog into a sitting/resting position. You give it a treat.

Eventually, with enough repetition (and patience), your dog will begin to associate the command with the click and the treat. Soon, it will be responding to the sound of the clicker alone. Then later on, with some luck, you'll even get your dog to respond to your command itself - without the use of clickers or treats.

So, to answer the question about what clicker training dogs is all about, it is basically dog psychology at its simplest and finest.

How about the success rate in training dogs using a clicker? Well, clicker training dogs is said to be efficient in teaching even the rowdiest pups around, so you are pretty much guaranteed to succeed.

New Stores and Services That Are Available to Dogs

For many people, nothing is too good for their pet, since pets almost always give constant unconditional love to their families. Because pets, dogs in particular, have become so important to their families, new companies have emerged to make sure people can give their pets the best in dog kennels, treatment, and clothing. Kennels now offer special suites for dogs while their families are out of town, for example. Dog boarding Snohomish and dog boarding Bellevue are two of the best kennels in the country. Also, there are now pet spas for owners to take their dogs to get services done for them. Finally, there are now numerous pet clothing stores. Services for pets have really come a long way since dogs first became household pets.

There are lots of different dog kennels available to pets and their owners nowadays, since there are more and more dog owners every year, so the demand for dog kennels has grown steadily over the past few decades. Also, there is a higher demand for quality dog kennels. For example, today, dog owners can choose how many times their dog is walked while the owner is away. Also, many kennels have dog suites, which have very comfortable blankets and pillows and usually they have classical music playing in the dog suites. Dogs in suites usually get better meals and gourmet treats throughout their stay. Many owners want only the best for their dogs while they are away, so kennels have adapted to offer better and more services.

Pet spas have become very popular in recent years. At a pet spa, dogs can have their nails clipped and manicured. Dogs also get groomed at a pet spa and owners can choose to have their pets massaged as well. Pet spas have become so popular because many owners want to make sure their dog has the best care available, since the dogs give such incredible unconditional love.

Also on the rise is the amount of dog clothing stores. Many owners like to show their personality and the personality of their dogs through clothing. For example, some football fans like to get their favorite team's jersey for their dog to wear on game days. Also, in the winter, people like to make sure their dogs are warm by buying coats and boots for their dogs. Pet clothing stores give owners the opportunity to show support their team, ensure their dog is comfortable in winter weather, and show off the personality of the owner.

As dog ownership continues to rise, so will the demand for upscale dog kennels, pet spas, and dog clothing stores. Almost every pet owner wants to give their dog the best they can by making the dogs as comfortable as possible. Pet owners normally like to try to give back to their dogs for all of the love their pets give to them. It is important to take good care of your pet, so your pet will continue to give their constant unconditional love.